PLEASE NOTE: This site will look much better in a browser that supports web standards, but it is accessible to any browser or Internet device. more info...



Bellagio Bronze
Employer: Freelance
Date: September - October 2004
Responsibilities: Information Architecture, Front-end design & development, SEO
Primary Technologies: JavaScript, CSS2/3, HTML
Current Responsibilities: Technical support
decontracting  decontracting

client profile

Exquisite bronze fountains and sculptures
Bellagio Bronze is a store that offers a vast array of distinctive and truly unique products. Many of these, handcrafted in Bronze and Brass, are "limited editions" and are destined to become family heirlooms and quite possibly valuable antiques for future generations.

design/development objectives

I was contracted to design and create an online store to showcase these exquisite bronze fountains and sculptures. Once the design and wesite were created, I was then able to seamlessly integrate a store that could easily be managed and upgraded by the client.

end result / features

  • Smooth implementation with Online shopping cart.
  • Clean interface with simple layout and design.
  • CGI form on contact page directed to clients email.