PLEASE NOTE: This site will look much better in a browser that supports web standards, but it is accessible to any browser or Internet device. more info...



Wireless Crib
Employer: Freelance
Date: September - October 2004
Responsibilities: Information Architecture, Front-end design & development
Primary Technologies: JavaScript, CSS2/3, HTML, Flash
Current Responsibilities: Technical support
wirelesscrib  wirelesscrib

client profile

Wireless solutions that focus on freedom
Wireless Crib is a technology based company that builds and installs wireless networks for the home and office. Their wireless networking solutions increase computing freedom and in accord provide reduced infrastructure cost.

design/development objectives

I developed a flash based intro immediately followed by a site that has a unique design and format. The company has now asked me to update the existing site with a new look and feel. Above are some different GUI examples for the new site.

end result / features

  • Flash intro.
  • Simple and clean layout and a unique design.